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Protection/Circle Casting

It's 6 am here in Hawaii and it is a beautiful rainy quiet morning. There are so many things I want to talk to you all about; but I will start with protection. Some call it circle casting, others call it prayers; however the intention is the same no matter what you call it. Before you do any practice with regards to spirits, always start off with a cleansing. You can do this in many ways, but I will share what I do. I ALWAYS start off with a cleansing bath. I love sage, lavender, rose and peppermint mixed with sea salt. I use this in any combination choosing intuitively. Then, behind closed doors I use a selenite wand while burning pinon, sage to cleanse my sacred space. From my front door clearing every corner of

my space finally reaching my back door releasing anything that will be a block. Then using 7 selenite wands I grid my area, while saying something like " Only love and light may enter." Or "May no negativity invade this space." Keep saying it until all wands are placed. Some people use 3, others use 4 some 9. Use YOUR intuition. All that we do comes from the heart. There are no wrong answers. The whole idea is to match your intentions using your words, crystals, herbs and or other special objects. Listen to YOUR silent whispers, intuitive knowing and just fly with it. Before you begin state your intentions, call in your spirit guides, universal light and angels; most importantly clear your mind and relax. This takes time, and practice. Don't be discouraged when your mind wanders and races; just keep trying to relax. Use visualization of a favorite place that relaxes all senses. My favorite place is a cave overlooking my favorite beach and a special forrest. Listen, taste, smell, touch and see the beauty that surrounds you. Just relax. The rest will come. Just remember "INTENTION", What do you intend to do? Use what you have to solidify those intents.

Here's an example. "Converse with my Spirit guides".

Before casting circle get everything I need. Since I'm connecting with guides I would use celestite, seraphinite, rose quartz and moldavite stones. These stones help with connecting to guides. Use YOUR intuition on what would work for you. I would also use lavender and rose mixture to burn and add a few drops of guardian angel and spirit guide oil. You got the picture. If you have any questions or need guidance email me on either email domains and I can get back to you. Always Dream Rainbows, and Listen to your whispering soul. Love and Light.

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